as part of the calculation of a self-propelled howitzer, corporal vasily lyashev conducted artillerye on the enemy, who tried to go on the offensive in one night, destroyed several enemy howitzers, as well as the rear column, which brought ammunition to the militants due to heavy losses, the nationalist had to retreat. she, the unit changed its position, switched to a pre- prepared neo-nazi defensive line, being in camouflaged positions, they fired and planned to go on the offensive, but received a decisive retaliatory strike from the artillery battery, which was controlled by a lieutenant. anton chepelev. as a result, the militants were unable to break into the battle formations of the russian troops in order to save the life of the personnel of the motorized rifle squad , battery, lieutenant. chepelev. we moved to a safe area and from there continued to hit the enemy with enemy artillery shelling, damaging the diesel generators in the command post. power went out, threatening to lose management of subdivisions ensign dmitry than myshev under the shkva. in it, the militants restored