years passed, and i met. with his father vasily this tour vasily nikiforovich he asked and talked tohim about my lifestyle and we liked it all, and he began to attract me to at first he gave orders for painting work, then my father always did the painting in the temple itself. vasily introduced me to literature and told me a lot, because he was a candidate in theological sciences. he knew a lot. this was interesting to me. i enjoyed listening to this. he introduced me to some works through magazines and asked me to work in the style that was closer to me. i did it for her, i painted the iconostasis on the right side completely, and on the left side only the upper part of the econostasis was done by me again. father vasily asked for this and even it was agreed that i would also make wood carvings and decorations, but here i was found in mozyr sharper, and he took it upon himself at the time i was writing, i stopped doing it. to fill portraits with gravestone monuments . this is all because my hands were completely full, and this bothered me at that time. we are located in the city cen