[laughing] no please, go away vasilyevich, you can't come in here. can't i? why, why can the baron come in here if i can't? we really must leave, all of us. what's the fire doing? it's dying down, they say. well, i must say it's a peculiar thing that the baron can come in here if i can't. let's go to the ballroom. very well, we'll make a note of this. i need hardly make my moral yet more clear that might be teasing this idea. [clucks] solyony has smoked the whole room out. the baron's asleep. baron, baron? i'm awfully tired. the brickworks. no, i'm not talking in my sleep. i really do intend to go to the brickworks and start working there quite soon. i've already had a talk with the manager. you're so pale, so beautiful, so fascinating. your color seems to light up the darkness around you as if it were luminous somehow. you're sad? you're dissatisfied with the life you have to live. oh, come away with me. let's go away and work together? nikolai lvovich, i wish you'd go away. oh, you're here, are you? i didn't see you. goodbye, i'm going. you know, when i loo