it's a 10-minute drive, maximum, well, they would have scared that idiot vasilyich, fewer people, moreo i understand correctly that you found it on the street, just before the incident, that's exactly how the investigator wrote it down, well, thank god, so, well, identified, sashka, this is buravin, my neighbor, my house is in the same village. i don't understand what happened to him. okay, thank you, thank you. i told him the bastard 100 times, say your dog is rabid, it attacks people, you muzzle it during the day when you go outside, and him? and he laughed, laughed, said, it's people who need muzzles, not dogs, he meant me , me. his dog started barking, well i sprayed it in the face with a can, and he jumped up, hit me, he broke my nose, but he broke it, well then i decided to take revenge, so when was it, yes last year it was, last year, and what did you wait for the whole year, i mean, what did i wait, i was looking for where to buy a gun, no, i don't understand you, you had a conflict with your neighbor, so, why did you shoot at his employees, ordinary ones? taxi drivers, so i wa