you, when a detachment of linen was taken to the iron lady of the nizhny novgorod merchant vassa zheleznova sergeyon’t bring you to court , you can study the 20th century in a unique panfilov performance mother 1902, nizhny novgorod, the excitement of your workers zheleznov 1913, here the merchants are economically prosperous, but the revolution is already close to romance 17-18 years. the death of the royal family, by the way, in nicholas ii, the director saw the chekhov character it was his decency and his intelligent, if you want intellectual attitude and forced him to voluntarily renounce the throne, if he had an instinct for power characteristic of emperors. he would not have allowed not only renunciation, but also what happened later in the modern and digital world, where the cover is sometimes valued more than the content of the work of gleb panfilov as an island of sincerity that is beyond generations. yes and you have children daughter? love your wife. love haha when do? i understand that it will look people of another generation completely, but something calms me down don't fuss. do what