story are the ukrainian people who took to the streets, overturned a government they thought was a vassell of rush why and trying to make a modern, liberal, democratic future for them and putin is trying to arrest that course of history. very different from going in temporarily to secure the panama canal or get rid of a, you know, a bad guy like noriega. it's a thriving democracy. look at nicaragua. i hope the lesson is holding on to pieces of land and warm water ports and all, that's not how you make a great nation. the way you make a great nation is raise the standards of the living of your people. putin is presiding in russia that's ruining the lives of the people but he's got crimea. >> i would also argue that to suggest that the people east of the denepra river, primarily russian speaking and russian affiliated somehow see what's happening in kiev as where they want to be going or that somehow russian pass ra trooping in kiev is a mace statement of fact. the fact is the crimean in general lean far more towards russia than they do right now to the west. >> it's a little bit of an old-f