hours after learning about a threat of gun violence at her son's school, katherine walked out of the vastle lane school, determined not to let them win. >> it's hard to walk away. >> police learned about an >> there's a part of me that would love it if all public schools or private schools were locked down, had bulletproof glass and you checked yourself in at the door. >> she dropped her son off at the school to find officers doing a sweep with k-9 units. it's the second time this week, violent threats have been made against cambridge schools. on tuesday, police got an anonymous email saying a bomb had been placed inside a middle school. parents, forced to talk to their kids about what to do in case threats like this ever become a reality. >> i think that they're a little nervous and i think the different kinds of information they're receiving is hard for them. >> while some say, it's nice to see the extra measures, others tell us, it's not quite enough. >> it comforts me, but it's not a fix. >> the school district put out a statement this morning, saying police were present at every single