let's bandage zhenya remember this mishchenko lie down vasya vaska vaska pasha pasha vaska killed vaskaend pasha pasha you you killed him? no, i didn't kill anyone. it's not me, i won't live i don't want to, i swear i didn't kill anyone. i will finish you. he killed my best friend. hold him for the shell-shocked do not you dare, you hear take. you still hear me cheat. maybe you've already forgotten your transmitter. kill your transmitter's callsigns quickly your transmitter's callsigns quickly. and who quickly? how many of you came here to the forest quickly, senior quickly, then senior, who is the senior of the group his nickname, i radiograms, where is he an officer. you're a radio operator, what's your name? good name. well, here's what. if you didn't kill vaska and give us matilda. then live only you will breathe, as i say. understood. and if you decide to twist, then do not be offended, seryoga. if you decide to twist, then these will be the last minutes of your life, understand? pancakes comrade captain, grandmother has arrived. that's exactly what you've done. it can't be more pr