and we say alferata, alferat, esheron, rahmati-val magafirah, i am shahrat, taraeva, tasbihi, vatila vasilkov dear, my brothers and sisters and dalfitar mubarak, our eid al-fitr mubarak, the time has come for the festive prayer. let's straighten our ranks with affa sincere intention we turn our faces towards the kiblatuh, and we will perform namaz and yes, allah will accept ready for the festive worship of those praying inside the mosque and most importantly. almighty and now mentally preparing for the sacred. hello akbar alhamdulilla ri kiyau-mi-dim ya channel. soligo collect the jack of bullets my duck of love, sabil and amuratul bal ah, i pleaded la departed. gather shiri. sobirin because of the especially cowardly batu, i fire. inna whether lyakhiva inna ilya and radius and potassium and them the salavat of the world is hippopotamus. and how do you think it? alhamduli rocky minali kiyaumids al-mustoty the masteron of asia on him taleim on the water of the bial is thrown to him. allah akbar allah akbar allah simeon hamida assalam alaikum allah war allah says almighty allah darkness we are