the former vatrachka anna trafimaina kunets is known for the richness of the kalgas, which is more andle, what calcium shone in the light on ivan koshar’s crystal, as the unknown fate in argentina, the native meats are disappearing. there’s a lot to be said here, it’s necessary to hunchey pubudavat yashche adzin kalgasny sviran. this time ivan koshar is busy. this laudatory moment of ivan gaurylavich kobrynets remembers all his life, as he has been searching for a long time in argentina, and as he knows best. to the relatives of pinsk, to their happy lives, to their work, to their studies, and to the old communists. city of grozna. gathering the 19-gadovaga blukannya on the day of the amerits, ivan’s family came here yakaulevich semyanovich. their hands on the work have become tired. now all the members of the getai are working at the grodzen fine cloth factory. ivan yakaulevich himself works as a worker in the paramilitary workshop. iago son albert is the prafessed weaver. this workshop has the oldest son, ivan yakaulevich, peter. good creative haste in a short hour , the wife of pyat