and what are the opinions of the local deputies and residents regarding vatutin?e such an initiative? we had to wait a little until our victory, then it was already called by the names of combat generals in populated areas, the initiative of local deputies or local residents, you know how it happens there, deputies, residents, they know each other , the deputies of this community represent the interests of there is fuel, of course, it is a local initiative, no, it is not brought down, let’s say so from above, it is a russian tradition that we are brought down from above , communities are working now and they are self-sufficient, they are making decisions regarding our other settlements, yes, some of them are undergoing, let’s say, massive changes in the name of the street where decommunization is in full swing in some communities , no one wants to deal with this, for example, in the city of kharkiv, this is a very important, let's say, difficult matter, and the mayor and, well, let's just say, his entourage do not want to address this issue , although there are al