and emergency care facility video of mugsy vca aurora taking only a syringe of water had not eaten ine next morning he went into cardiac arrest and died. the event lori moretti devastated and demanded answers brought him into the emergency room thinking they would know by a book that they went to school for how to help >> veterinarian at the hospital never seen such a case but has treated pets or overdosing on medication or taking owners bills batt but try to be an advocate for your dog or cat because last time it prescription filled white is your batt prescribing this medication what is the dosage that if you notice your dog or cat is having any type of adverse reaction stop the medicine immediately and call your veterinarian another suggestion go to drugs website by the appellate that the fire and add to the imprint code under prescription pill make sure the name of the medication matches with the code and the color of the bill and keep in mind an accidental mixup is not just a concern for your pet many medications are used to treat both animals and people that is the case with thes