. >> the vcg therapy in order to cure bladder cancer. this is an amazing one. they are doing some genetic formation and being able to get to the cancer, and she's actually cancer-free. >> that's great news. >> dr. smamdy, thank you. i want to bring dr. siegel in on this. first of all, what's myeloma? >> myeloma is 25,000 of cases a year. up to 45% don't survive 5%. it's cancer of the bone marrow cells, plasma cells. what's the bone marrow, the inside of your bones, factory that's making blood cells in your body, so when they get cancerous you're in big trouble, and that's why the mortality rate is so high. now what's really exciting here is those cancer cells, arthel, have on the surface receptors that have tracked the measles virus. the measles virus, we have always known that, goes for the bone marrow cells. goes for the bone marrow and sees the cells outside the bone marrow and bakes a bee-line for these types of cells. a researcher at mayo since 1990 has been working on the measles virus, taking the measles virus we use in the vaccine, use a live virus in t