so there's vtb bank, there's veb bank, both sanctioned by the u.s. government for their close links to the putin regime, both of those banks inexplicably tied up with the campaign issues. another u.s. sanctioned bank close to putin, which is the bank that decided to hire donald trump's top russia lawyer to work for them on a legal case in new york this spring. really, of all the guys? and before all that, there was alpha bank, another big russian bank linked with putin. but alpha bank is not sanctioned by the u.s. government. in fact, they're trying to become a big business in the west and in the u.s. to give a little brand distance from their russian origins, the western interests of alpha aren't being called alfa, they're being called letter one. letter two, beta, right? even with the new wink and a nod name change, alfa still has a problem. alfa is the bank that turned in the very strange story before the election. breaking the news about large-scale, unexplained computer server interactions between an alfa bank server in russia and a trump organiz