dimension i think thesare probably the in ezekiel chapter 1 the about highly polished brze that r veclesout an awesome site can you image what that armobearer thought when he saw the armies of god circling the mountain eing is believing elisha did the rightthing latency into the dimensn and he won't ae afraid hundred 80,000 o# áhem blind just like that you know god can open eyes got come close es were imrtant on a be opened capital of is)ael know that the pretty picture right there folks here we got 180,000 nme syrian troops that have beestruck blind is 12 miles to samaria the picture in your mind elisha sang come here take myhand that you take theext descant next guy the next day and i'm goi to lead you to samaria and here theyare going 12 miles across the desert and i can hear the syrians goi to you know what we are so cky the sky catalog he was suca nice guy he told us that elisha but i know where hise's over at samaria they're going how lucky are we iean right smack dab in the capital of 10 northern tribes israel jor was excited to hear the enemies delivered right into our hands should