i work with senator vedder led to one of his greatest accomplishments in office, the first major toxic substances control act in 40 years. at the time it was the most significant environmental law passed in 20 years. tom also had become one of the senate leading authorities on final policy, sponsoring over a quarter of the bills that passed through the indian affairs committee on their way tobeing signed into law . legislation to improve tribal access to affordable healthcare and running to support native american language preservation programs and support native american entrepreneurs all bearing the udall standand when it comes to protecting our environment , no one commands greater respect and the senior center from new mexico. tom helped increase funding to the department of the interior by 25 percent . including billions to protect our national parks and expand our wildlife preserves. he sponsored the great american outdoor act and secured permanent funding for the land and water conservation fund , a fund that helped establish over 40 years ago . one of tom's favorite authors onc