the vegemite pain criteria was criteria sodmission only the absolute destitute would qualify for entrance. husbands were separated from their wives, and children from their parents. a p in a different, including stone breaking and minimal socialization were rewards. no wonder the poor irish resorted to the workhouse only in absolute desperation once the famine began. most of the workhouse is were already built. it did not take long before the national capacity of 100,000 inmates was reached and overcrowding took hold, especially in the south and west. -- was a notable example, whereby january 1847, the work as designed for 800 inmates 1160 inmates, one third of the work l with fever. -- were ill with fever. 121 people shared 40 beds. in mid-september, the guardian chronicle announced that the disease had struck ireland again. it became evident that one third to one half of the potato crop had been lost. -- who had private experience dealing with irish subsistence crisis had some doubts about the loss, citing the irish tendency to exaggerate. by november, when reports confirmed the serious