and technologies i think it's a fantastic location ok you mentioned the family i have talked to mr vellacott academician vello but when you when you started the collider a couple of years ago and he he also. said that that russians were a member of your family that many russian scientists are working in syria laboratory today how many russians do you have then today. oh i think we have i don't have the exact number but i think we have a few hundred i think we have actually seven or eight hundred russian scientists already verkin are connected to cern but you see science research our in-situ out for accepted research is without a field of membership so the research has to be free because otherwise it cannot spread out globally into all the countries the difference between being a member and not being a member is that without membership you are don't have any ok ssion any opportunity to have positions staff members fellowships etc at cern itself you don't have the opportunity for your industry to participate in our big accelerator projects this to her you have been in moscow recently and you d