and most of that fertilizer came from places like qatar, venezuala and russia. its cheaper to get fossil fuels over there. fertilizer is almost 100 percent natural gas. when you're eating, you're eating fossil fuels." $18 per gallon our armed forces has a fuel problem. and they know about it." every dollar increase in the price of gas costs the pentagon 5 billion dollars. the military's strategy and how they spends taxpayer money, therefore, will have to adjust. "at 18 dollar a gallon gas, its going to cost 50-thousand dollars an hour to fly a b-52. so b-52's won't be around any longer at higher prices of gas." steiner also sees a network of high-speed trains connecting the country, coast to coast. "when we get to that point, when we're you're able to get on a train on one side of the country and get off on the other, that's going to be an expression of us conquering a world of scarce oil. $20 per gallon "at $20 per gallon, our grid is going to be more important than ever. america's trump card in its war on fossil fuels is its electrical grid." steiner sees rene