law undermines the judicial independence of polish judges it's not just their view it's the venice commission n.g.o.s human rights groups the parliamentary assembly of the council of europe are they all wrong have they all misunderstood poland poor public yes they they are all wrong that that's correct yes that's what i think they're not wrong mainly there's a split ical debate this is not about the rule of law this is not about the constitution this is about hungary and poland and mr trump this is what they do this is the standards well we're just talking about the polish one of the marble standard it's the outgoing president of your supremes court malgorzata gaz doth accused you of trying to accumulate excessive power she said for the last 5 years all the power has been in the hands of the ruling party who set the goal of destroying the independence of the court and she said it was the judge's duty to muzzle something as dark as the person who was thinking it was thinking a part of the protests political protest of polish opposition they are not allowed to be active politically and that was