. -- soou have essentially 16 years of american poli that was very, very, ver prosrael. and this n one, there's a litt bit more hands-off. we're going back, to esntially, bush one and caer, in which the israelis are basically going t find that theyon't always g their way and they d't always have a friend in the white use who is absolutely going to take everything the israelis say as face vae. >> i want tourno china real quk before we run out otime. another big week ofmeetings there. wheris this relationshi going e s. and ina? >> i thi right now what we see the administration strate is emphasizing the ecomicaspects of the relationship. over human rights, political issue and ihink they're acceuating the positive because right w with the economy being so uncertain and china such a bieconomic engine. about foreign exchange rrency djustments and so on and trade issues so they're acceuating the positiv in meetings this week. and putting on he back burner some of the more troubling issu. >> and what arthe troubling issues? >> the troubling isues are, disputes over jt how each s