well, how your name is vera dmitrievna vera dmitrievna and how old will she be 70?lations thank you very much doctor just a really priceless gift from me, please, and we move on. interferon for the prevention and treatment of acute respiratory viral infections and influenza, even for expectant mothers and babies from the first days of life in the life of every person there may come a time when all the teeth fall out. what to do in this case , two options come to mind. place an implant first in place of each missing tooth. this it will be convenient, beautiful and aesthetically pleasing, but the installation procedure itself is painfully expensive for a long time, you can make a removable prosthesis faster and cheaper, but it is extremely inconvenient to get used to the prosthesis; you need to constantly remove it and clean it. what to do, it turns out that in modern dentistry there are new options for restoring teeth, convenient, aesthetic and quite budgetary, our permanent expert will tell about them. our permanent expert is my old friend gennady markovich-shorgoro