and look at the economists nicholas stern and vera songwe, who did this work and came up with a reporthift developing countries — and this isn't including china, this is without china — to low—carbon economies. and they reckon that at least a trillion of that would have to come as a transfer, if you like, a sort of climate justice transfer from the rich world to the poor. does that sound about right to you? well, in our last report, we were very clear that the amount of finance needed for reducing emissions, if we were going to be compatible with the paris agreement, we would need to scale up by a factor of 3 to 6. so, it is entirely consistent and i entirely agree. we're talking about trillions, not hundreds of billions... there's no sign of it happening. it's a lot... it's a lot of money. it's a lot of money and there's no sign of it happening. it is happening... the key to unlocking it is to get more private finance to come into this because, frankly, the public sector pockets are not deep enough to make some of these transfers. and we are beginning to see a movement of private fina