this land gave the world such famous poets and writers as vera vera zaretsky or from petrashkevich andhe great pesnyary of the belarusian people yakub kolas also worked for some time in metal tile. let's return to the historical realities of the war of 1812 , another tolochin catholic church owes its revival, as i already said, the war between the russian and french empires completely ruined talochin and destroyed the architectural buildings, of course, the ancient church was no exception, but already a year later, the owners of the city, the slavic landowners, allocated 100,000 bricks for the construction of a new stone shrine, and the tsarist government donated 2,000 rubles. silver. unfortunately, financial assistance turned out to be insufficient ; work was suspended for a long time in 1848; a committee was created to raise the necessary funds ; after 5 years, the construction was completed until the 1930s. the church was a parish church after the great patriotic war. the building housed a weaving workshop, furniture stores, weight workshop of the granary. later it was partially rep