in south sudan a lack of water is m making life verery difficu for cattle breededers. we find out how they're coping. but first we go to the u.s. where mexican families divided by law are able to see each other again through a high-security fence. the border dividing the u.s.a. and mexico is over 3,100 kilometers long and one of the most heavily guarded in the world. there are border posts, patrols, and fences, and should presidential candidate donald trump get his way, there will soon be a wall, too. over the past year some 330,000 mexicans have emigrated to the u.s. mexico has one of the highest numbers of displaced persons worldwide. since 1965, a total of 16 million mexicans have sought their fortunes north of the border. and yet, according to estimates, only around half of the mexican workers living in the u.s. are there legally. deportations are becoming more frequent. >> it is a remote and barely accessible region of the u.s. southwest. yuridia together with her daughter sharlene. yuridia's parents smuggled her over the border as a baby. now she and her daughter