this magnet featured a veriugeful morniurefnea mmyha utol lyst?t'>>biinppong emeho iighntgh. o 1o tod e oiprisha ugen yt,dshiwe aeaveilmat ane anheucid price.p t ime yre as leer f amll20 lhe >>ng s platz .buur i a cnelonanetmmer t'sstal t.elofthushestcaab t n wseem t slt ts at rsbl> n s b a atea nhe otndmsmei'dt oylo nt e tler a gngt.sod wbu m l icrhe miees s.isea i orne tkies g co t tta ou eal haalto h t o h pe empateveng,we50foer d assewiidnck wtohahedaeranenoo w chcetat tel lan., tt ist fhe.r anm 0. >>> residents in a southern australian town have dealt with fires, floods and storms. their next -- i don't know if it's a disaster, burr it's a little bit of a problem. it's tumbleweed. truckloads of it have been piling high around homes in the area. residents say they spend an entire day cleaning the yards only for their work to be covered up with a gust of wind. the community believes it is caused by dry conditions and they -- was left unattended and open for a while. >>> well snow days are paying for many of us. but for a panda bear it's just nothing but fun. check i