there is plenty of usa for verizon files to be available in. throughy have acquired intela simpler technology to roll out. if you are talking about paid television through the internet as opposed to a big dig, the infrastructure costs that you generally see with rolling out into the new markets, the regulatory hurdles, all of that stuff to a certain extent goes away by buying something like this. you can talk about the cool technology behind this at a time when we are wondering if apple tv will come out with its own service. >> that is what verizon sees, but why did intel give up on this? it was a pretty big investment to start and then they said, you know, nevermind. >> it is a great case study. we have seen a willingness over intel's history a willingness to start interesting projects to tell the story of intel and what it can power. but you have a new leader, someone who was not there from the beginning of this project, who looked at the bill required andoll the service out said, hold on, is this our core competency? is this what we should be focusing on? or should we f