today we have verizon requireless, big five sporting goods, valley yellow pages, statefarm, man powergolden gate university. >> are these companies different than what you've seen in the past. >> manpower's here with hundreds of openings and they are booming. when the recession starts to pull out, the temp agencies boom first. >> you've gone a couple dozen of these job fairs in the bay area. how are the jobs different? >> for instance, we have golden gate university here. they have 18 openings. they're looking for software engineers. they're looking for electron librarians. the companies are starting to hire and they have been it's just it's picking up slowly. but anybody that has any experience at all and needs a job should come down today. >> we're talking about hi-tech jobs. how are medical jobs? >> yeah, medical seems to be kind of on a semihold ever since the new healthcare law started. i think the hospitals are kind of consolidating and holding back but hi-tech is really booming. and anybody who has customers service background, like over 200 openings. hospitality jobs in hotels