one of those would have been the one on verlag is that people a loaded to. -- verlag is that people alluded to. there have been two shootings on brighton and holloway, we believe both perpetrated by the same suspect. we are actively working that case. the person responsible for those two shootings does not live in the omi. we have a name and we are pursuing the suspect as we speak. with regard to the tnt, the tnt is back. six officers, as it has always been. is not the same sergeant. that's arjun, for matters related to personnel and are confidential -- that sergeant, for matters for the to personnel and are confidential, i cannot discuss. however, another sergeant who has a tremendous amount of experience working in the bayview, as he was the housing starts and in the bayview, has been reassigned -- the housing sergeant in the bayview, has been reassigned to these duties. supervisor avalos: that i