john: verney sanders and people applaud it in the audience when he said what's wrong with socialism? is working in europe. what would you say to that? rand: within socialism there is the inherent implied force or violence and i tell people. john: we are going to take care of the poor. rand: there's nothing sexier cool about socialism. it's implied violence and it's not accidental that throughout history when we have had socialist regimes often it ended en masse violence towards people. john: how is it implied violence? rand: it's implied violence begets a take away your choices. for example if you want to sell bread they won't let you sell bread unless you have the official imprimatur of the state or the state owns the bread company. if i want to buy bread for me they won't let me buy it from you either so our choices as consumers are taken away. i think there's some irony here because many say i'm pro-choice. they are very anti-choice when it comes to market decisions. they are the antichoice party but that is what socialism is. john: markets have provided us with so much good stuff