bailey: his name was vernon johnson. >> vernon johnson. thank you, i appreciate it. >> i want to defend some of my black soldiers from vietnam. i entered the army in 1968. retired in 1987. back in the 1960's, there were some racial problems, obviously. as you mentioned. i take these two isolated incidents, and both of them very severe, but being in vietnam, i know i was in a unit that we had black soldiers, white soldiers, hispanic soldiers. every so often a black soldier would come up who would be militant and try to create problems. and it wasn't the white soldiers saying, stop that. it was the other black soldiers in the unit saying, we are a cohesive unit. we fight together and live together. we don't do that here. stop it. as ao, i almost took this little bit of an indictment of black soldiers back in the 1960's. and i think that is a, at least as i heard it, a bad evaluation of it. it is almost like looking today saying, all muslims are bad because we have isis. that is not the case. it is the same thing. in lbj, you have a riot. you