she is co-author with vernon jordan of "vernon can read: a memoir." she has a collection of 12 original essays and she edited and we're pleased she could goin us for tonight's program. to her immediate right is journalist gale buckley who has written for "los angeles times," "voeg "vogue" magazine and is daughter of leana horn and author of "the horns" which became an american masters documentary. her most recent book, american patriots, traces the history of the black american military experience from the american revolution to desert storm. her essay in "jubilee" talks about the roots of that experience in slavery and miss gordon reid's essay speaks to our experiences as family. let me go forth and make this general presentation and then we'll be coming back to sit with them to talk about these other things. over the last four decades, scholarship on the transatlantic and slavery has experienced something of a renaissance. scholars in europe, africa and the americas and caribbean have made the slave trade and slavery the objective of new historical,