vernon wayne howell was born to a 14-year-old girl. and, was raised with a lot of uncles and stepdad. but, he never wanted for food or attention. we can understand when people have problems how it might affect them. this does not mean we have to also believe it was inevitable they became what they became. peter: how many children of david koresh have survived and why so many? jeff: david koresh's children, most of them, died in the final fire. that was delivered on his part. all told, he fathered 23 children. by just about a dozen women. he said that the bible quoted that the lamb shall spread his seed. so, the lamb of revelation cannot be jesus, because he did not have children. so vernon, the lamb, had to have children. obviously, he could not have those with just one wife. and, these children of his were really old souls being born again and when the end times came, they would be the magistrates of the book of revelation. they would help rule over the new kingdom of god. three of his children were out of mount carmel by the time the