alioto veronese: thank you. in regards, one kind of new thing i wanted to bring up to you to see if the department is doing, i know a lot of the technology that we use today in what we wear, helmets, hats, turnouts, you know, the pants and the boot. a lot of that technology is older technology. i'm wondering if the department is looking at what other departments in the world are doing as far as updating that type of technology, maybe turnouts for wildland fires that do not have the chemicals and that type of stuff. i noticed when i met with the fire ambassador from france, who is around, his helmet is very different, shaped a different than ours. i am wondering if our department is looking at that, what is out there. i know tradition is hard to break your in san francisco, the leather helmets and things that are historically a part of our history. i wondered if our department is looking at that? >> yes, we are looking at speaking with manufacturers about different turnout gear, and having some of those chemicals