course the motherland, and happiness is in the understanding of the children themselves, report by veronica budat is needed for a child to be happy the answers to this question may surprise you greatly to be happy this is when mom he gigs to be happy. it means to be loved all the military protects, and each person protects his child making our children's childhood happier is not so difficult. distance is not a barrier, these guys know for sure. bikers overcame under two hundred kilometers in the social and pedagogical center of the postavy district today they live in 9 children who were temporarily left without parental care , the guests were also met on two wheels with their youth club. you prepared for them. every day was very exciting. and today was even more exciting than we think for the bike club. such support for children who temporarily found themselves in a difficult life situation is a long-standing tradition of caring belarusians every year. more and more shares today joined the legs, and everyone who wanted to give a piece of happiness. doll emotions how much joy? how many impression