fox business's tracy byrnes, todd horowitz, average joe founder and veronica daguerre, "wallrnal" columnist. veronica, i want to start with you, apple put it into focus with all the cash companies have, but central banks around the world churning out, printing up is just sitting there. when capital is not employed people are not employed because you don't have new companies and invest. >> that's right. people are not employed. you're not getting high-quality, full-time jobs. you're not getting wage growth because companies are not hiring those types of good jobs of the companies itself, they're not making money on their investments. if they're sitting on cash, shareholders are also unhappy, hey, you're sitting on piles of cash but it is not doing anything for us so do something with it. david: todd the news was today, good for apple, they have this big cash hoard but maybe that is bad news? >> hi, david. when you manipulate currencies, ben bernanke started this with the qe program to push the dollar down. we've seen this throughout every economy. everybody is racing to the bo