my name is veronica fimbres. i'm a registered nurse in the state of california for 15 years. >> are you speaking for dr. zhang? >> i asked him if i could speak. >> you can come back during public comment. >> well, he's being setup. >> you can come back during public comment. thank you. >> thank you. >> i'm sorry about the presentation updates not having updated, but i'll just go by my previous slides as a guide, but i did want to highlight that -- some of the critiques of our previous studies. so what can we learn from real world experiences? i think in medicine, we -- the gold standard for bringing in intervention for a drug to the public is a controlled human clinical trial, and that wouldn't be ethical with a tazer because it's difficult to replicate the real world situations, so in lieu of that, we can perform epidemilogical studies in terms of real world use, does it result in increased sudden death? does it result in fewer officer injuries or fewer suspect injuries, and our study in 2009 look looked at that