if we don't, someone else will... >> darrell moses: straight home. >> veronica moses: ...meaning the ? >> darrell moses: yeah. i grew up in the projects, and i watched my father go through a lot to hold onto his family. and one of the reasons why you see me here-- not just my wife, but you see me here also-- is because i vowed that i would walk this walk with them. they can turn around years from now and say, "my father was right there." >> ♪ how can anyone ever tell you... >> stahl: gospel for teens has a theme song, and vy says she chose it for a reason. >> higginsen: i actually weeped when i heard it. ♪ ♪ "don't let anybody ever tell you that you're anything less than beautiful." ( sighs ) >> rodriguez: ♪ ...that you're less than whole... >> stahl: what did it mean to you? >> rodriguez: it means, to me, that i feel actually kind of special, in a way. >> higginsen: that song is designed to empower you and to think about yourself differently than you think somebody else may have thought about you, to change your mind. >> stahl: it certainly seemed to change something in gabby francoi