veronika bell. >> good afternoon. >>> [speaker not understood], i was born and raised in san francisco. [speaker not understood] fellow ma sonic. [speaker not understood]. i would like to say something once and for all hinted at by a number of people, there is no good evidence what we are seeing in a reduction of the carbon footprint. we see long-interpret [speaker not understood]. now, if you want to have an accurate study of what is happening, you have to take those factors into consideration. otherwise what we're doing is basically shifting our environmental problems over into the east bay. the equivalent comparison in my understanding, what we did with all the toxic waste at the hunters point shipyard between 1970, 1970. is that really the legacy san francisco wants to have, dumping our environmental problems and ecological systems in the city? i don't think so. you want to look at a comparative [speaker not understood] which was invoked a couple minutes ago. they established 20 [speaker not und