. >> veronika holzinger supervises juveniles who fled without their parents. 20% of her charges disappearshe says. two suddenly departed just a few weeks ago. holzinger: they were attending school perfectly normally, and then they just left. they didn't even pack a bag. they left all the things behind here and hopped on a train. >> she called the police and reported them is missing. authorities have now registered nearly 9000 such cases in germany, 10 times more than in 2015. most move on and then vanish from the authorities' radar, in search of work to pay their families back. next up, the big city. munich's main train station. we are following the drug squad. during the refugee crisis, they have seen more and more juveniles here working as upfront dealers handing drugs to customers. nearly 50 underage refugees have been arrested on drug trafficking offenses. police noticed a group of very young looking refugees. their ids are checked. their officers have seen how kids like them are forced into a life of crime, and they worry. >> if they cannot pay the people smugglers for these voyagers