host: veronique, price gouging? guest: there may be some companies who are doing things that are not beneficial to consumers. but price gouging is not the reason why we have inflation. it would mean every single company does it at an extent that it rises all prices and wages. if it is really about price gouging, inflation, again, we need to remember it is the rise above prices, including wages. you can't have it both wages -- both ways. inflation is not about price gouging. host: let's go to kevin, who is calling from marshall, texas, on the republican line. good morning. caller: good morning. yes, my issue is with how both of the panelists defined inflation. maybe i am old-fashioned. but, i always thought inflation referred to the money supply. i think that is important to remember. when we are increasing the money supply, that is inflation. prices are going to rise. if things are being produced to keep up with that extra money supply, prices will rise. we need to increase the money supply or the fear is prices wil