and so the byzantine art became verpopular. th during the middle 13th century, because the second intermediate phase lasts from 1204-1261, so from 61-1453, you have the last phase of the byzantine empire often referred to as the palaeologan period. but the palaeologan period-- the palaeologan term refers to a dynasty and it refers to a very specific later phase of the late period. now, during the termination or the fall of the byzantine empire, and, in fact, the byzantines consider themselves to be a roman empire, there is that continuity. the byzantine empire collapses in 1453 to the ottoman turks. and so the ottoman turks then established themselves in the capital city, renamed it istanbul, and it is known as such till this present day. now, it is important to understand that the decorative scheme that we see here in this particular church does reflect the very important and essential and fundamental principles which were established during this middle classical, middle byzantine phase, classical-- the classical decorative ph