to no black helicopters, they've verprofessional in the way they deal with things. i think that's one of the big misconceptions. they give back to communities. they pend over $1 million on r abandon d. are they making a profit off me? sure they are. they need to. they're an american business. but in my person perspective as a farmer what they have returned to me in increased stewardship, increased yields, efficiencies for my family and farm makes up for the token amount i give them to make sure they're profitable. >> you were part of the california initiative that we talked about earlier, and monsano and companies like them put in big bucks in the labeling campaign. what i don't understand why companies like coca-cola and pepsi, they've put a lot of money in as well. >> monsanto put in $1.8 million into california. dupont put in $754 million. pepsi was largest exhibiter contributor. but pepsi has been labeling its product. why in the u.s. are they denying this basic right. kevin is a scientist but he's pretending there is scientific consensus on the safety of geneti