energynd commer committee, that is a big money comittee because of the instries that the gulate and versee. now, you knw, that sai, there e all sorts of influenc that are coming into these lawmakers all e time. i think what most of them ould tell you is, you now, campai contributions isne sort of influee. their home and their dstricts d their states right now are anotr sort of influence. i think th would say, you know, we actor all of tis in and do what w think is best. >> if you look at ho much mone is at play here when ou look at aertising and donations, i mean, the union give a hge amount omoney to all of the democrats who are in cngress. they hava position on tis. therare so many interest groups who carebout what happens th health re reform, it's ard to ay that articular check had mo influence than these100 other checks th came from other grou as well. the is just a whole lot f money around this. >> it is true people n the key health committs, they get a lot of money rom the health industry. max bcus is an ineresting guy right now. he is on th hot seat. he is trying to lead he bipartis