>> guest: 2007 right after bush verses al gore. in fact, i did look in the documents where he went by the house of the old black woman in louisiana and told her there is someone buying votes and she said i vote a preacher comes by here in texas up in his car and takes us to the polls and tells us to to vote for on a piece of paper it tells us to talk to a particular person instead we need some help it evoked these numbers and we put that back in the car and they drive us over to the shop there was a drive-in in day by s.a. pork chops in which to drink then drive the selfie and gives us $5 apiece and i was doing this since i was a little girl. i did not know that was illegal but of course, you get a $5 and the pork chops in which so i thought it $5 and a porkchop said which is corruption but i thought i would write about the people who sell their votes and how long that is and violates the law in every state for that to happen then i thought about it these are the most marginalized people they have enough problems. nursing homes in