the governmt took action immediately and came up with stimulus pacge and so since th we see veryradual imovement in the pformance of oureconomy. >> rose: are you developing a consumer dema? >> that's what we hope, yeah. an because.... rose: so you won'tave to depe on expos. >> right, right. obviously we nee to chae the growth model. it ud to be exporriented and now, you know, after the financial crisis, the consumptio sideill not be ther the amount oconsumption will not be there >> ros so you have toave a new model, economic model that does not depen on a global demand for china products. >> in the long r. rose: in the lo run. >> yes. >> rose: and therefore you have to create tt demand within your own society. >> but it willake some time. >>ose: what's "time"? what's the time fme? 20 years? years. >> ion't know. i dot know whether we have that kind of time frame. but it wil take time. you know, t effort to delop nationwid social security program,he effort to delop a nationwide health care system is part of that efforto develop more mestic csumption. >> rose: and it's going... you can see it's be