. >> good evening, i live at 24 vesey street.oard of supervisors to enact, immediately, a holiday moratorium on home foreclosures and evictions. as you heard in previous testimony, there are 60 evictions scheduled tomorrow. who knows how many the next day and how many more homes are going to be placed at auction on these various steps? in thefamilies are at risk or wo have been evicted. they're undergoing immense hardship. i find it unconscionable. the bailout bill was given to the banks. i really think we have to do something immediately. for these communities are going to suffer greatly. i can speak as a victim. my home was auctioned two years ago. it is still vacant. it was flipped four times, it is standing vacant. this is what we're facing. they deserve to be home for the holidays and we need to look for a long-term solution. thank you. president chiu: thank you, next speaker. >> i would like to say with the -- what the other speakers have said about putting a standstill on foreclosures until the end of the year would be a g