already asleep, the company is rising, what an idiot, what's up, they found a villain, otherwise some vetrilov, and if i go and listen, come on, oh, oleg-olek, i told you, stop messing with the punks, it won’t lead to any good. in general, come on, tell me with whom you robbed the warehouse, but i didn’t rob any warehouse, you’re pretending to be a hero, well, that’s okay, that’s okay, they weren’t the ones who were stabbed, look at why did you kill the watchman, but i didn’t take any warehouse, why didn’t you kill the watchman? and what is this, what is this then, and this is your badge, here it was hanging here, thank you, it was in our own way, but at the last moment it snatched it from you, like that, clutched it tightly in your fist, well, speak quickly, who are the accomplices, where is the loot, where is the revolver, speak quickly, i don’t know anything, i won’t say anything, give it to me, uncle vov.” “you’ll tell me, you’ll tell me everything, little snake, i promise you, i’ll take him and genka to me, we’ll have a heart-to-heart talk with him for an hour, leave him, vasily, boy, int