now detective veuleman was on the trail of another man, david strickland.ective learned strickland was a hometown boy. his dad a successful businessman. strickland served briefly in the military and was now newly married. then veuleman saw photographs of david strickland's possessions, which had been seized at the time of his arrest on the gun theft charge. i'll never forget the first photograph that popped up. it was a glock .45 caliber pistol and an under armor glove. and you could see very clearly the white under armor logo. josh mankiewicz (voiceover): a glock .45, the type of gun the crime lab suspected was used to shoot the girls. as for the black glove, kristene was absolutely certain that the shooter wore a pair exactly like that. i know that because i played softball and that stuck out to me right away. josh mankiewicz (voiceover): detective veuleman immediately sent strickland's gun to be tested to see if it fired those two spent shell casings found at the crime scene. he didn't have to wait long for the results. what that report said was that the