the number of veterans eligible for vha bennett said the next that will affect future or vha costs.bout 1.3 million veterans have become eligible for health care through vha. just over half of stockier through march the 2011. the number of veterans who have ever used vha has grown by 100,000 per year since 2005. roughly half of those, those who have ever used bhi are 12 months from separating airbase. their use is typically highest in the months immediately after they enrolled the system. vha spent almost 1.9 million or $4000 per patient in 2010 and accumulated a total of six lane dollars to treat cocoa veterans through 2010. although veterans for 7% of all veterans treated 20 times, and they represented 4% of dha spending. cbo is projected resources of dha would be between 2011 and 2020 to complete all veterans with care. cbo examined two scenarios. under scenario one, cbo assumes the number of deployed service members drops to 30,000 by 2013 and remains there through 2020. in addition, vha health care expenditures per enrollee wrote about the same rate of the national averages. un